When you think of sponsorships, the first thing you probably think about is cold, hard cash.
When you think of sponsorships, the first thing you probably think about is cold, hard cash.
This episode is about sponsorships.
That's because this episode isn't really about money— at least not directly...
This episode is about relationships.
This is because if you build AMAZING relationships with people in your industry you are going to be in the position to be making some money.
To help us learn how to build these relationships, we've brought in a sponsorship expert.
His name is Billy Thorpe. He's a successful podcaster, entrepreneur, and online creator.
By the end of this episode, you'll know how to find sponsors that are the best fit for you, and you'll learn the RIGHT way to pitch yourself to them that guarantees a higher chance at success.
Resources Mentioned:
The Only Way to Monetize Your Podcast, With Dave Jackson: https://growtheshow.com/the-only-way-to-monetize-your-podcast-with-dave-jackson/
How to Apply a Business Mindset to Your Podcast, With Gary Arndt: https://growtheshow.com/how-to-apply-a-business-mindset-to-your-podcast/
Apply to the Grow The Show Accelerator Program!: https://trainings.growtheshow.com/apply